Clients: Laura Timm

Original Brief: Content creation for social media
Company Size: Soletrader
Company Location: London, UK
Scope of project: My work has grown to include copywriting for book entries, email marketing, website copy and social media. I also assist Laura with her client work, by directly contributing to their websites, social media and email copy.
Achievements for client: Better online visibility and bigger client contracts.

I have been working with Laura Timm since 2017, during this time I have created copy for social media content, including graphics and image templates, proofread copy entries for books and set up Mailchimp newsletters. Notably in this last area was my work with Laura on her Creative Woman collaboration in 2019, where I was tasked to assist sales leads with a monthly newsletter.

More recently (‘22/’23) I have been more active in creating web copy for Laura’s personal brand.

During this time I have also had the privilege of providing contract marketing for Laura’s contacts at Ensemble Productions, Ballet Icons Gala, Stella Pollare, Somy London and Inspirational Woman’s Awards.

Laura Timm LinkedIn content created by Sara Millis

Laura Timm
Working with Sara has been a pleasure, she has always been very professional, understanding and helpful.
— Laura Timm. Director, Advisor and International Speaker.

If you need a copywriter to create compelling copy, someone who understands the customer journey, fill in the project brief form below!

Sara Millis

Freelance B2B Content Writer ✒️ Blog posts, Web copy and LinkedIn articles 🤓 Confessed SEO and Data Nerd 😂