Google Algorithm Update 2022: How to make your content truly helpful

Wondering what the latest Google algorithm update is all about? Asking yourself what the hell “helpful” content is? Don’t worry I've got you covered in this easy guide to creating helpful content that will appease the 2022 Google core update and most importantly your clients!

What is the 2022 Google Algorithm update?

I’ve been talking a lot about SEO lately and in publishing some of my opinions and content strategies I’ve had a lot of clients ask me about how the new Google Algorithm is going to affect the efforts we have been building together.

My answer is that we should actually see a BOOST in rankings over time and here’s why.
The latest Google core update (end of August 2022) is focused on helping its users.

What do they mean by this, well they want us to focus on creating content that takes a people-first approach - making sure that the web pages, blog posts and product or service pages we create answer not only a need we established in search, but moreover a fully satisfying experience for the website visitor. That means everything from answering their query in full to a great on-page encounter.

Why do they want to make this distinction in their SERP results?

Search isn’t just a tool we go to Google for anymore and they are noticing this. Google is now competing with more time spent on social media than ever before.

Think about it. The last time you searched for a “How-to” tutorial, where did you go first? It’s more than likely you just said YouTube! The last time you looked for a product where did you look, I’m going to guess some of you answered Instagram or TikTok.

Why, because you get very quick visual responses that likely highlight what you were looking for. This is why Pinterest was such a big thing when it first came out.

This means Google doesn’t have as much of your attention as it did 5 or 10 years ago and they are feeling it when it comes to potential ad revenue.

Today ad spending on social media advertising has grown to a $173 Billion industry, with an expected 11.24% growth rate from 2022-2027, according to Statistica. Google ad spending by contrast was a not-so-shabby $209.49 Billion in 2021, up 42.58% from pre-pandemic spending. But, and it’s a BIG BUT, Google could be making so much more!

Insider Intelligence reported that the retail industry alone is set to triple its ad spend from 2019 to 2022 and I imagine not only that other industries are looking to follow a similar trend, but that they are also planning to spread that spend across platforms.

This has made Google sit up and think, which is why, earlier this year when I attended Google Marketing Live (GML2022), we heard Google unveil its move towards advertising on its more visual tools, like Google Lens and applying these results to search and Google-owned YouTube. Meaning that there are now many more ways to advertise with Google and get seen.

Alongside this Google now want to rid its search engine of some of the utter crap that’s out there. You know the stuff I mean. The search page results bearing no relevance to what you were actually searching for.

This means getting rid of low-quality posts that are stuffed full of useless keywords and those AI posts which are bland, with no clear point. And the stuff that wants to draw you in to show you inappropriate content.

Instead, they are looking for you to write content that educates, inspires and helps searchers find exactly what they want (and wow them with stuff they didn’t even ask for yet!)

How to create “helpful” content that will appease the 2022 Google Algorithm update

How do you create helpful content for your site visitors? Well this is how I see it and if you are a client you will know this is what we have been working on together for some time (because I knew this day would finally come!)

Sara's graphic for the 5 points: answer, educate, inspire, entertain and show

1. Create content that ANSWERs your target client’s question

I was speaking with Charlotte Goss VA on Instagram about this and she said she had learnt long ago that it wasn’t worth writing a blog post entitled “What is a virtual assistant” on her website. I agreed. 

It’s far more beneficial to create topics that explore part of your customer’s journey. 

Going back to Charlotte’s example, if visitors are already on your site or searching Google for a VA, then they already know what a VA does, instead, they are looking for a great VA. This is your opportunity not just to help them along their buyer’s journey but to show them why they should choose you!

Go above and beyond.

Make your blog guides detailed and thought-provoking.

Write your sales pages to promote the benefits of a product and add an emotive angle - what do they get as a result of purchasing with you and how does that feel? In Charlotte’s case, that could be about giving her clients time, one of the biggest problems busy business owners have.

2. EDUCATE them in a well-thought-through answer

Some of our clients will already know the basics of what they are searching for, so why not take your content further. Give them facts that only someone with your experience could know.

Show them something that gives them a “wow, I never knew that, but OMG that’s helpful” moment!

3. INSPIRE them to learn more or take the next step with you

We all have CTAs on every page of our site, those little buttons, or lines of text that do their best to elicit the next step. What if our whole content piece could do that?

This is where inspiring your reader comes in.

Don’t just create content that is full of facts, take the time to make it inspiring enough that your potential client feels they need to make that change today. This makes your CTAs so much more compelling.

4. ENTERTAIN them with YOUR take

Not so long ago brands were faceless corporations that we had no affiliation with other than their product. Now they have voices. Why, because social media forced it out of them.

I’m not saying you need to create TikTok-style dances in your office and put them into your blog posts, but you could certainly inject some brand personality into your writing (known as tone of voice).

Then, of course, there are other elements, media formats like video which you could use to help get your message across (not just through your blog, or website, but also on YouTube or Instagram too - extending your reach). Videos are great for blog posts, especially if they can give your article an extra dimension in learning or inspiration.

5. SHOW them what you do and how well you can do it

Most importantly you need to show your site visitors and potential clients that you are the expert to listen to. If you’ve been 10 years in your industry, then show me. If you’ve got a story that backs up why you do what you do, then show me.

All of this adds to your authenticity and believe it or not this is what Google wants to rank - real content made by real people, that helps its very real users.

What to do now you know what the Google Algorithm is

Now that you understand what the latest Google Algorithm is and what helpful content should be about, it’s time to take a step back and establish your new content strategy.

Let’s make it easy and start with your blog content.

I need you to read this post, “How To Define Your Key Topics For Better Pillar Content”.

Your pillar content will help you create content based on your: brand values, products/services, expertise and customer problems/solutions.

Creating this list of ideas will very quickly get you thinking about how to answer, educate, inspire, entertain and show your audience why you are the person to know in your niche.

If you are a client, this is where our strategy documents come in - this is exactly what I already created for you. THIS is where the magic begins and what will make your content sing even when Google is looking to cut the wheat from the chaff!

If you need a copywriter to create compelling copy, someone who understands SEO, fill in the project brief form below!

Sara Millis

Freelance B2B Content Writer ✒️ Blog posts, Web copy and LinkedIn articles 🤓 Confessed SEO and Data Nerd 😂