How to submit a blog post for crawling in Google Search Console

Wondering how to submit your individual blog posts to Google Search Console to be ranked among your competitors and reach new clients? Read on because here’s a complete how-to.

Why submit a blog post for crawling in Google Search Console

Submitting a blog post for crawling in Google Search Console can help ensure the post is indexed and appears in Google's search results. When you create a new blog post, Google may only be aware of its existence once it is crawled and indexed by Google's bots. By submitting the post's URL for indexing, you can speed up this process.

When Google indexes your blog post, it becomes visible in the search results and can be discovered by potential readers searching for related topics. This can drive traffic to your website and increase the visibility of your website.

In addition, by monitoring the performance of your blog posts in the Google Search Console and GA4, you can gain valuable insights into how your content is performing in search results. This can help you to optimise your content and improve your website's SEO over time.

How to submit a blog post for crawling in Google Search Console

To submit a blog post for crawling in Google Search Console, you can follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Google Search Console account.

  2. Click on your website property in the dashboard. Not got your website set up yet on GSC? Check out my guide.

  3. Click on the "URL Inspection" option in the left sidebar.

  4. Enter the URL of the blog post you want to submit in the search bar and click "Enter".

  5. If Google has not yet indexed the URL, click on the "Request indexing" button.

  6. If the URL has already been indexed, click the "Request indexing" button next to the "URL is on Google" status.

  7. Wait for Google to crawl and index the URL.

It's important to note that requesting indexing doesn't guarantee that Google will index the URL immediately, but it can help to speed up the process.

FAQs about submitting a blog post for crawling in Google Search Console

Here are some FAQs about submitting a blog post for crawling in Google Search Console:

Q: What is Google Search Console?

A: Google Search Console is a free tool provided by Google that allows website owners to monitor their website's performance in Google search results and improve their website's visibility in searches.

Q: Why should I submit my blog posts for crawling in Google Search Console?

A: Submitting your blog posts for crawling in Google Search Console can ensure that your content is indexed and appears in Google's search results, which can drive traffic to your website and increase the visibility of your blog.

Q: How many blog posts can I submit daily in Google Search Console?

A: There is a limit on the number of blog posts you can submit for indexing each day in Google Search Console, but it appears to be an irregular amount each time I’ve tried. My best advice is to be strategic and submit only your most important or high-quality content for indexing to avoid being seen as spammy.

Q: How long does it take for Google to crawl and index a blog post after submitting it to Google Search Console?

A: The time it takes for Google to crawl and index a blog post can vary depending on several factors, including the size of your website, the quality of your content, and the frequency of updates to your site. Generally, it can take a few days to several weeks for a new blog post to be crawled and indexed by Google.

Q: Do I need to submit all my blog posts for indexing in Google Search Console?

A: You do not need to submit your blog posts for indexing in Google Search Console. Google's bots are constantly crawling the web and indexing new content. Your recent blog posts should be automatically crawled and indexed if your site is regularly updated with fresh content.

Q: What should I do if my blog post needs to be indexed by Google after submitting it to Google Search Console?

A: If your blog posts need to be indexed by Google, there may be several reasons. First, ensure your post is high-quality and original content that meets Google's quality guidelines. Blocked by robots.txt and other technical issues may prevent Google from crawling it. If you still need help, you can consult Google's Search Console Help Center or seek the advice of an SEO professional.

Sara Millis

Freelance B2B Content Writer ✒️ Blog posts, Web copy and LinkedIn articles 🤓 Confessed SEO and Data Nerd 😂