How do I improve my Google ranking? (2020 adventures)

How do I improve my Google ranking? (2020 adventures)

As many of you know I changed my business focus recently, going from serving a narrow niche with broad small business topics, to a wider niche of small businesses with a smaller niche topic, content marketing. This has meant taking some time during Covid-19 lockdown to rebrand my website and create a new strategy for getting my Google ranking off the ground in a new area.

I thought I would take you on my journey so far, so you can see what a rebrand might look like, specifically when it comes to Google ranking.

Google featured snippets: what you need to know!

Google featured snippets: what you need to know!

Whilst was working on a client’s new website, we started talking about how to rank on Google. Part of our discussion led to looking at Google search results and he asked the question, ‘What are Google Featured Snippets?’ Today on the blog I’m going to help you understand exactly what they are, where you will find them, what they look like and the types of content being used by Google to create them… so you can start to create a better SEO strategy.