"Quick Fix" No.8 - What can we show our investors?

The Brief

“Can you help me show our investors that our SEO project is working?”

Yes, I can, and this is how we’ll do it - by showing investors that they are gaining awareness and click-throughs from Google.


My client is a SaaS start-up in the employee wellness space. A business in a competitive niche and a tight budget. You may remember them from my quick-fix case study number 2, where we discussed how I kickstarted the website’s traffic from ground zero.

One of my next steps was to return to my competitor's keyword gap analysis and see how else we could shake up the competition in SERPs. That is what we will be focusing on today.

The Quick Fix

Over the following three months from our last case study (August 2023), I was able to craft eight more blog posts and one onsite resource; a tenth piece has been scheduled for January.

All of these were explicitly primed to target higher-ranking keywords in primary and secondary positions. More importantly, these pieces lent on our learnings about our customers, site visitors and industry change.


As of 31st October 2023, we have 39 blog posts published (increased by 8), with one extra resource page.

These translate into the following results.

  • 337 keywords in positions 1-100, an increase of 185 or 121.71%

  • The average SERP position is 34.5, a decrease of 3.4 spots on average, but I expect that to change as content gains traction.

  • We also saw that content aligned with Google updates, which means traction continued to rise.

traffic increases over time
  • We had a hike in monthly visitors from zero to over 400

Google search console performance over time
  • Google Impressions have increased by 178.96%

  • Clicks from Google have also improved by 196.66%

  • Average click-through rate (CTR) is up by 0.1%

We also gained some critical backlinks, the first of which I posted about on LinkedIn.

The Takeaway

While SEO gains can take months to filter through and often feel greatest when content is delivered at scale, you can provide results on a smaller budget.

This client has seen vast improvements in investing in high-quality content from a professional (me!) over the AI-generated and cheaply bought alternatives I had to delete.

When the product is complete and launched to the public, I expect that a continued content approach will translate into more sales leads and sign-ups, increasing monthly recurring revenue (MRR).

I would advise continuing investment, even if the budget remains tight.

If you need help to kick-start your website traffic with targeted SEO blog content, contact me using the button below!

Sara Millis

Freelance B2B Content Writer ✒️ Blog posts, Web copy and LinkedIn articles 🤓 Confessed SEO and Data Nerd 😂