How to create a content brief that empowers your writers and boosts quality

How to create a content brief that empowers your writers and boosts quality

Do you need help creating effective content briefs for your writers? Look no further! In this article, I'll show you how to write a content brief that truly empowers your writers.

I’ll review all the key elements and best practices, sharing template ideas to help make your content briefs stand out.

How buyer personas drastically affect your content targeting

How buyer personas drastically affect your content targeting

We all know that when we create content for our marketing, we need to create it with a buyer in mind. But do you understand exactly how much a buyer persona affects what you create?

In this blog post, we look at buyer personas, also known as customer profiles or avatars, how you create them and how this information affects your content strategy.

How understanding the buyer journey positively impacts your content strategy

How understanding the buyer journey positively impacts your content strategy

Keep hearing marketers and sales reps talking about the “buyer’s journey” and not sure what it means. Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered! In this blog post, I’ll discuss the buyer’s journey and how you can use it to map out your marketing content strategy.

What does SERP mean and why is it important for your SEO?

What does SERP mean and why is it important for your SEO?

Search Engine Results Page (SERP) is the page where Google displays results from search bar requests - Learn how to gain web traffic using it in this post!

Content Marketing: What is pillar content and how do I use it?

Content Marketing: What is pillar content and how do I use it?

Have you heard the term “pillar content” in several contexts and felt totally confused about what it means? Let me help you with my full guide.